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250+ Pledges From Our Member Councils
The results are in! CPP councils have submitted over 250 pledge items, outlining their commitments across renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transport and collaboration. These wide-ranging commitments from local governments will make a signifigant difference for the councils themselves and the communities they represent.

Impact in Our First Year
100 member councils from around Australia. Our members range from capital cities like Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin, Canberra and Adelaide, to large regional towns like Bundaberg in Queensland and Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, to coastal hubs like Byron Bay in NSW and small rural shires like Strathbogie in Victoria.

1600+ media items celebrating our trailblazing local councils and their achievements

Hundreds of events, briefings and community engagement around Australia.

Award Winning Program
2018 NSW Green Globe Finalist, Climate Change Leadership, Cities Power Partnership.

2018 Third Sector Awards Winner
- Alix Pearce, Campaign / Marketing Executive of the year.

Innovative Technologies invited to exhibit our products at the 2018 Summit
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